2018年 发表论文统计表

序号 论文题目 本单位作者 期刊名称 卷期号 起始页码 结束页码 1 Genomic variation in 3010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice Wensheng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Zhichao Wu, Tianqing Zheng, Fan Zhang, Jianlong Xu, Binying Fu, Yongming Gao, Xiuqin Zhao, Yongli Zhou, Chunchao Wang, Zhikang Li Nature 557 43 49 2 A selfish genetic element confers non-Mendelian inheritance in rice Xiaoming Zheng,Jiafan Liu,Xiuping Guo,Jiulin Wang,Qibing Lin,Fuqing Wu,Yulong Ren,Shanshan Zhu,Xin Zhang,Zhijun Cheng,Cailin Lei,Chuanyin Wu,Jianmin Wan Science Vol. 360, Issue 6393 DOI:10.1126/science.aar4279 1130 1132 3 The goat grass genome’s role in wheat improvement Awais Rasheed,Zhonghu He Nature Plants 56 58 4 Functional Specificities of Brassinosteroid and Potential Utilization for Crop Improvement Hongning Tong Trends in Plant Science 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.08.007 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.08.007 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.08.007 5 Fast-Forwarding Genetic Gain Huihui Li, Zhonghu He Trends in Plant Science Vol.23(3) 184 186 6 Genome Editing and Double-Fluorescence Proteins Enable Robust Maternal Haploid Induction and Identification in Maize Dong L, Li L, Liu C , Geng S, Li X, Huang C, Mao L, Xie C. Molecular Plant 3 314 320 7 Expanding the scope of CRISPR/Cpf1-mediated genome editing in rice Li S, Zhang X, Wang W, Guo X, Wu Z, Du W and Xia LQ* Molecular Plant 2018, 11 995 998 8 microRNA528 affects lodging resistance of maize by regulating lignin biosynthesis under nitrogen-luxury conditions Qing Sun, Xiaogang Liu, Qingguo Du, Hongqiu Wang,Wen-Xue Li Molecular Plant 11 806 814 9 QTG-seq accelerates QTL fine mapping through QTL partitioning and whole-genome sequencing on bulked segregant samples 张红伟、刘允军、王国英 Molecular Plant 10.1016/j.molp.2018.12.018 10.1016/j.molp.2018.12.018 10.1016/j.molp.2018.12.018 10 Mutations in the DNA demethylase OsROS1 result in a thickened aleurone and improved nutritional value in rice grains Chun-Ming Liu PNAS(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) Vol. 115,No. 44 11327 11332 11 OsALMT7 maintains panicle size and grain yield in rice by mediating malate transport. Yueqin Heng, ChuanyinWu, Sheng Luo, Jin Ma, Jun Chen, Jiafan Liu, Yulong Ren, Min Wang, Junjie Tan, Shanshan Zhu, Jiulin Wang, Cailin Lei, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo, Haiyang Wang, Zhijun Cheng, and Jianmin Wan. The Plant Cell 30 889 906 12 Limited potential of harvest index improvement to reduce methane emissions from rice paddies 江瑜,张俊,郑成岩,邓艾兴,冯晓敏,宋振伟,张卫建 Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.14529 1 8 13 Mapping and validation of a new QTL for adult?plant resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese elite bread wheat line Zhou8425B Aolin Jia,Zhonghu He,Xianchun Xia Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131 1063 1071 14 Genome-wide linkage mapping of yieldrelated traits in three Chinese bread wheat populations using high-density SNP markers Faji Li,Weie Wen, Zhonghu He, Jindong Liu, Shuanghe Cao,Xianchun Xia Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131 1903 1924 15 Development of a set of PCR markers specific to Aegilops longissima chromosome arms and application in breeding a translocation line. Wang KY, Lin ZS, Wang K,Du LP, Ye XG. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131(1) 13 25 16 Patterns of genomic variation in Chinese maize inbred lines and implications for genetic improvement Huihui Li Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131 1207 1221 17 A wheat protein kinase gene TaSnRK2.9-5A associated with yield contributing traits Jingyi Wang, Xiaoping Chang, Xueyong Zhang, Xinguo Mao*, Ruilian Jing* Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2018 (DOI: 10.1007 /s00122-018-3247-7) 18 Pm61: a recessive gene for resistance to powdery mildew in wheat landrace Xuxusanyuehuang identified by comparative genomics analysis Hu Jinghuang, Qiu Dan , Wu Peipei, Zhang Hongjun, Liu Hongwei, Yang Li, Qu Yunfeng, Yang Li, Li Teng, Zhou Yang, Li Hongjie Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131 2085 2097 19 Characterization and fine mapping of qkc7.03: a major locus for kernel cracking in maize Yang Mingtao , Lin Chen, Xun Wu, Xing Gao, Chunhui Li, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Yunsu Shi, Yu Li, Yong-xiang Li, Tianyu Wang Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131 437 448 20 Fine mapping and identification of a novel locus qGL12.2 controls grain length in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) Lan Qi, Yingbin Ding, Xiaoming Zheng, Rui Xu, Lizhen Zhang, Yanyan Wang, Xiaoning Wang, Lifang Zhang, Yunlian Cheng, Weihua Qiao, Qingwen Yang Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2018,131(7) 1497 1508 21 Identification of the dwarf gene GmDW1 in soybean (Glycine max L.) by combining mapping-by-sequencing and linkage analysis Yong Guo, Zhang-xiong Liu, Lijuan Zhang, Lijuan Qiu Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131(5) 1001 1016 22 Next?generation sequencing to identify candidate genes and develop diagnostic markers for a novel Phytophthora resistance gene, RpsHC18, in soybean Chao Zhong, Suli Sun, Yinping Li, Canxing Duan, Zhendong Zhu Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131(3) 525 538 23 Genome?wide association study dissects yield components associated with?low?phosphorus stress tolerance in?maize Cheng Xu,Hongwei Zhang,Zifeng Guo,Cheng Zou,Wen?Xue Li,Chuanxiao Xie,Changling Huang,Xiaojie Xu,Shanhong Wang,Yunbi Xu Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131 1699 1714 24 DNA methylation dynamics during the interactions of the wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii and the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici. Geng S, Song G, Jia M, Guan J, Wang F, Li A, and Mao L New Phytologist https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15432 SECTIONSPDFPDF 25 Maize Urb2 protein is required for kernel development and vegetative growth by affecting pre-ribosomal RNA processing Hongqiu Wang, Kai Wang, Qingguo Du, Yafei Wang, Wen-Xue Li New Phytologist 218 1233 1246 26 Fungal resistance mediated by maize wall-associated kinase ZmWAK-RLK1 correlates with reduced benzoxazinoid content 杨平 New phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.15419 27 Functional diversification of flowering locus T homologs in soybean: GmFT1a and GmFT2a/5a have opposite roles in controlling flowering and maturation Liu Wei, Jiang Bingjun, Ma Liming,Zhang Shouwei ,Xu Xin ,Hou Wensheng ,Wu Cunxiang , Sun Shi,Wu Tingting, Chen Li,Han Tianfu New Phytologist 2018,217 1335 1345 28 TaCOLD1 defines a new regulator of plant height in bread wheat 董慧雪,闫素丽,刘杰, 刘盼,孙加强 Plant Biotechnology Journal doi: 10.1111/pbi.13008 1 13 29 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis of GmFT2a delays flowering time in soya bean. Cai YP#, Chen L#, Liu XJ, Guo C, Sun S, Wu CX, Jiang BJ, Han TF, Hou WS*. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2018, 16(1) 176 185 30 DELAYED HEADING DATE1 interacts with OsHAP5C/D, delays flowering time and enhances yield in rice. Huan Zhang?, Shanshan Zhu?, Tianzhen Liu?, Chunming Wang, Zhijun Cheng, Xin Zhang, Liping Chen, Peike Sheng, Maohong Cai, Chaonan Li, Jiachang Wang, Zhe Zhang, Juntao Chai, Liang Zhou, Cailin Lei, Xiuping Guo, Jiulin Wang, Jie Wang, Ling Jiang, Chuanyin Wu, Jianmin Wan* Plant Biotechnology Journal doi: 10.1111/pbi.12996 1 9 31 Construction of Agropyron Gaertn. genetic linkage maps using a wheat 660K SNP array reveals a homoeologous relationship with the wheat genome Shenghui Zhou, Jinpeng Zhang, Weihua Liu, Yuqing Lu, Xinming Yang, Xiuquan Li, Jizeng Jia,and Lihui Li* Plant Biotechnology Journal 16 818 827 32 FLOURY SHRUNKEN ENDOSPERM1 connects phospholipid metabolism and amyloplast development in rice. Yulong Ren,Jianmin Wan. Plant Physiology 177 698 712 33 The PILNCR1-miR399 regulatory module is important for low-phosphate tolerance in maize Qingguo Du(杜庆国), Kai Wang(王开), Cheng Zou(邹枨), Cheng Xu(许诚), Wen-Xue Li(李文学) Plant Physiology 177 1743 1753 34 Genome editing technologies and their applications in crop improvement Rukmini Mishra and Kaijun Zhao, Plant Biotechnology Reports 12 57 68 35 A dual role for proline iminopeptidase in the regulation of bacterial motility and host immunity 阚金红 Molecular Plant Pathology 19(8) 2011 2024 36 Construction of the third-generation Zea mays haplotype map Cheng Zou(邹枨), Chuanxiao Xie(谢传晓), Yunbi Xu GigaScience 7 1 12 37 Disruption of OsSEC3A increases the content of salicylic acid and induces plant defense responses in rice. Jun Chen, Min Wang, Yulong Ren, Shuai Wang, Cailin Lei, Zhijun Cheng? Journal of Experimental Botany 69(5) 1051 1064 38 Allelic differentiation at the Sg-1 locus for the terminal sugar of the C-22 position of group A saponin in Chinese wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. Zucc.) Xianghua Li,Kejing Wang Molecular Breeding 38:93 1 17 39 Identification and fine mapping of qWBPH11 conferring resistance to whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Jianmin Wan Molecular Breeding DOI:10.1007/s11032-018-0846-6 40 qNCLB7.02,a novel QTL for resistance to northern corn leaf blight in maize Hao Zhuanfang, Yong Hongjun, Li Mingshun, Zhang Degui, Li Xinhai, Weng Jianfeng Molecular Breeding 38(54) doi.org/10.1007/s11032-017-0770-1 1 12 41 Population genetic dynamics of Himalayan-Hengduan tree peonies, Paeonia subsect. Delavayanae Zhang JM Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125 62 77 42 OsNDUFA9 encoding a mitochondrial complex I subunit is essential for embryo development and starch synthesis in rice. Jianmin Wan. Plant Cell Reports 37 1667 1679 43 Purine nucleotide biosynthetic gene GARS controls early chloroplast development in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Jianmin Wan. Plant Cell Reports doi.org/10.1007/s00299-018-2360-z 44 OPEN GLUME1: a key enzyme reducing the precursor of JA, participates in carbohydrate transport of lodicules during anthesis in rice. Zhijun Cheng, Cailin Lei, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo, Jiulin Wang, Chuanyin Wu,Jianmin Wan. Plant Cell Reports 37 329 346 45 Oxidative damage and antioxidative indicators in 48 h germinated rice embryos during the vitrifcation–cryopreservation procedure Zhang JM,Chen XL,Xin X,Yin GK,He JJ,Lu XX Plant Cell Reports 37 1325 1342 46 Differences in molecular characteristics of segment 8 in rice black-streaked dwarf virus and southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus Weng Jianfeng, Li Xinhai Plant Disease 102(6) doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-10-17-1652-RE 1115 1123 47 Outbreak of Choanephora Stem Rot Caused by Choanephora cucurbitarum on Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) in China Suli Sun,Zhendong Zhu Plant Disease 102(11) 2379 2379 48 Reduction of ATPase activity in the rice kinesin protein Stemless Dwarf1 inhibits cell division and organ development 房静静、赵金凤、李学勇 Plant Journal 96(3) 620 634 49 Co-expression Analysis Aids in the Identification of Genes in the Cuticular Wax Pathway in Maize. Zheng J., Qin Y., Sun M., Li J., Wang G. Plant Journal doi: 10.1111/tpj.14140 50 Kernel size‐related genes revealed by an integrated eQTL analysis during early maize kernel development 付俊杰、何骋、方婷、张红伟、王国英 Plant Journal 10.1111/tpj.14193 暂无 暂无 51 Mutations in the MIT3 gene encoding a caroteniod isomerase lead to increased tiller number in rice 赵金凤、房静静、李学勇 Plant Science 267 1 10 52 FLOURY ENDOSPERM11 encoding a plastid heat shock protein 70 is essential for amyloplast development in rice. Jianmin Wan*. Plant Science 277 89 99 53 Constitutive expression of a stabilized transcription factor ERFVII enhances waterlogging tolerance in wheat without penalizing grain yield Wei, Xuening; Xu, Huijun; Rong, Wei; Ye, Xingguo; Zhang, zengyan Plant, Cell Environment 10.1111/pce.13505 54 Meta-analysis and transcriptomeprofiling reveal hub genes for soybean seed storage composition during seeddevelopment 王忠宇,刘君 Plant, Cell Environment 55 Loci and natural alleles underlying robust roots and adaptive domestication of upland ecotype rice in aerobic conditions Jianlong Xu, Wensheng Wang, Binying Fu, Zhikang Li PLOS Genetics 14(8) e1007521 56 RSM1, an Arabidopsis MYB protein, interacts with HY5/HYH to modulate seed germination and seedling development in response to abscisic acid and salinity Chaonan Li PLOS Genetics 2018, 14(12):e1007839 57 Proteomic analysis of rat serum revealed the effects of chronic sleep deprivation on metabolic, cardiovascular and nervous system. Yongying Mu,Yinghong Pan* Plos One Volume: 13 Issue: 9 Article Number: e0199237 Published: SEP 20 2018 1 20 58 QTL and QTL networks for cold tolerance at the reproductive stage detected using selective introgression in rice. Liang Y, Meng L, Lin X, Cui Y, Pang Y, Xu J, Li Z. Plos One 13 e0200846 59 Genome-wide association mapping of aluminum toxicity tolerance and fine mapping of a candidate gene for Nrat1 in rice Yonghong Tao, Yanan Niu, Yun Wang, Tianxiao Chen, Shahzad Amir Naveed, Jianlong Xu, Zhikang Li Plos One 13(6) e0198589 60 RNA-Seq analysis reveals insight into enhanced rice Xa7-mediated bacterial blight resistance at high temperature Stephen P. Cohen, Hongxia Liu, Cristiana T. Argueso, Andy Pereira, Casiana Vera Cruz, Valerie Verdier, Jan E. Leach Plos One 12(11) 61 QTL mapping and candidate gene analysis of peduncle vascular bundle related traits in rice by genome-wide association study Tianqing Zheng, Jianlong Xu and Zhikang Li Rice 11 30 62 Overexpression of OsbHLH107, a member of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family, enhances grain size in rice ( Oryza sativa L.). Yulong Ren,Xin Zhang, Fuqing Wu, Xiuping Guo,and Jianmin Wan*. Rice https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-018-0237-y 41 63 DS1/OsEMF1 interacts with OsARF11 to control rice architecture by regulation of brassinosteroid signaling. J.M.Wan*. Rice 1.??????? https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284 -018-0239-9 46 64 Novel sequences, structural variations and gene presence variation of Asian cultivated rice Wensheng Wang, Zhichao Wu, Binying Fu, Jianlong Xu, Zhikang Li Binying Fu1,4, Jianxin Shi2, Jianlong Xu1,4, Jue Ruan3, Chaochun Wei2 Zhikang Li1,4 Scientific Data 5 180079 65 Assembly of an early-matured japonica (Geng) rice genome, Suijing18, based on PacBio and Illumina sequencing Chun-Chao Wang,Tian-Tian Xu, Tian-Qing Zheng*, Jian-Long Xu, Zhi-Kang Li Scientific Data DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.195 66 Comparative Transcriptional Profiling and Physiological Responses of Two Contrasting Oat Genotypes under Salt Stress. Wu B, Zhang Z. Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34505-5. - - 67 Density resistance evaluation of maize varieties through new Density–Yield Model and quantification of varietal response to gradual planting density pressure 马玮,Mehmood Ali Noor,赵明 Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-35275-w 68 GmGRP-like gene confers Al tolerance in Arabidopsis. Chen L#, Cai YP#, Liu XJ, Guo C, Yao WW, Sun S, Wu CX, Jiang BJ, Han TF, Hou WS*. Scientific Reports 2018, 8 13601 405 69 A wheat caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase TaCOMT-3D positively contributes to both resistance to sharp eyespot disease and stem mechanical strength Wangm Minxia, Zhu Xiuliang, Wang Ke, Luo Meiying, Shan Tianlei, Zhang Zengyan Scientific Reports 25;8(1):6543 70 Identification of wheat stress-responding genes and TaPR-1-1 function by screening a cDNA yeast library prepared following abiotic stress Jingyi Wang, Xinguo Mao, Ruitong Wang, Ang Li, Guangyao Zhao, Jinfeng Zhao, Ruilian Jing* Scientific Reports 2018 (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37859-y) 71 Identification of QTN and candidate genes for salinity tolerance at the germination and seedling stages in rice by genome-wide association analyses. Shahzad Amir Naveed, Fan Zhang, Tian-Qing Zheng, Jian-Long Xu, Zhi-Kang Li Scientific Reports 8 6505 72 Increased experimental conditions and marker densities identified more genetic loci associated with southern and northern leaf blight resistance in maize Yong-xiang Li, Lin Chen, Chunhui Li,Yun-su Shi1, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Yu Li Tianyu Wang Scientific Reports 8:6848 1 12 73 A heading date QTL, qHD7.2, from wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) delays flowering and shortens panicle length under long-day conditions Li Jing, Xu Rui,Wang Chunchao, Qi Lan, Zheng Xiaoming, Wang wensheng, Ding Yingbin, Zhang Lizhen, Wang Yanyan, Cheng Yunlian, Zhang Lifang, Qiao Weihua,Yang Qingwen Scientific Reports 2018,8 2928 74 Long-term fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in a double maize cropping system in subtropical China Afreh, D,张俊,宋振伟,郑成岩,邓艾兴,冯晓敏,张卫建 Soil and Tillage Research 180 259 267 75 Integrative impacts of rotational tillage on wheat yield and dry matter accumulation under corn-wheat cropping system Latifmanesh,Nawaz,邓艾兴,宋哲呢我,郑成岩,张卫建 Soil and Tillage Research, 184 100 108 76 Temporal Small RNA Expression Profiling Under Drought Reveals a Potential Regulatory Role of snoRNAs in Drought Responses of Maize Zheng J., Du Y., Jiao Z., Wang K., Li W., Fu J.,Wang G. The Plant Genome doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2018.08.0058 77 Genomic Prediction using Existing Historical Data Contributing to Selection in Biparental Populations: A Study of Kernel Oil in Maize 王红武、张红伟、李冬冬、王国英、付俊杰 The Plant Genome 10.3835/plantgenome2018.05.0025 1 9 78 Rice TCM1 Encoding a Component of the TAC Complex is Required for Chloroplast Development under Cold Stress Zhikang Li, Jianlong Xu The Plant Genome 11(1) 160065 79 Jasmonic acid/Ethylene signaling coordinates hydroxycinnamic acid amides biosynthesis through ORA59 transcription factor Zhang K, Zhou M the plant journal 95 444 457 80 TaARF4 genes are linked to root growth and plant height in wheat Jingyi Wang,Xinguo Mao, Long Li, Xiaoping Chang, Xueyong Zhang, Ruilian Jing Annals of Botany 2018 (DOI: 10.1093 /aob/mcy218) 81 Wheat CBL-interacting protein kinase 23 positively regulates drought stress and ABA responses Xiao-Yu Cui?, Yong-Tao Du?, Jin-Dong Fu, Ming Chen, Jun Chen, You-Zhi Ma*, Zhao-Shi Xu* BMC Plant Biology 2018,18:93 93 82 Wheat Bax Inhibitor-1 interacts with TaFKBP62 and mediates response to heat stress Ming Chen, Jun Chen, Yong-Bin Zhou, Ya-Jun Xi and Zhao-Shi Xu* BMC Plant Biology 2018, 18: 259 259 83 Identification and characterization of GmMYB118 responses to drought and salt Stress Yong-Tao Du, Meng-Jie Zhao, Chang-Tao Wang, Yuan Gao, Ming Chen, Jun Chen, Yong-Bin Zhou, Zhao-Shi Xu* and You-Zhi Ma BMC Plant Biology 2018, 18:320 320 84 Association of yield-related traits in founder genotypes and derivatives of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Jie Guo, Weiping Shi, Zheng Zhang, Jingye Cheng, Daizhen Sun, Jin Yu, Xinlei Li, Pingyi Guo, Chenyang Hao. BMC Plant Biology 18(38) 85 Genome-wide analysis of the pentatricopeptide repeat gene family in different maize genomes and its important role in kernel development Lin Chen, Yong-xiang Li, Chunhui Li, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Yu Li and Tianyu Wang BMC Plant Biology 8:366 1 14 86 Integrated omics data of two annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) genotypes reveals core metabolic processes under drought stress. Zhou M BMC Plant Biology 18(1) 1 18 87 Penalties in yield and yield associated traits caused by stem lodging at different developmental stages in summer and spring foxtail millet cultivars Li Hongjie Field Crops Research 217 104 112 88 Genome-wide analysis of CDPK family in foxmail millet and determination of SiCDPK24 functions in drought stress Ming Chen, Yon-Bin Zhou, You-Zhi Ma, Zhao-Shi Xu*, and Ya-Jun Xi* Frontiers in Plant Science 2018. 9: 651 651 89 Silencing of the Wheat Protein Phosphatase 2A Catalytic Subunit TaPP2Ac Enhances Host Resistance to the Necrotrophic Pathogen Rhizoctonia cerealis Zhu Xiuliang, Zhang Zengyan Frontiers in Plant Science doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.01437 90 Fine Mapping of a Novel Heading Date Gene, TaHdm605, in Hexaploid Wheat Zhang X, Liu G, Zhang L, Xia C, Zhao T, Jia J, Liu X, Kong X Frontiers in Plant Science 9 1059 91 Generation of Transgene-Free Maize Male Sterile Lines Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System Chen Rongrong, Xu Qilong, Liu Yan, Zhang Jiaojiao,Wang Guoying, Liu Yunjun Frontiers in Plant Science 9 1180 92 Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of the TCP family genes in spike and grain development of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.). Zhao J, Zhai Z, Li Y, Geng S, Song G, Guan J, Jia M, Wang F, Sun G, Feng N, Kong X, Mao L, Li A. Frontiers in Plant Science 9 1282 93 Characterization of transcription factor gene OsDRAP1 conferring drought tolerance in rice Huang L#, Wang Y#, Wang W, Zhao X, Qin Q, Sun F, Fu B*, Li Z* Frontiers in Plant Science 9 94 94 The Application of Multi-Locus GWAS for the Detection of Salt-Tolerance Loci in Rice 张帆,周永力 Frontiers in Plant Science 9 1464 95 Identification and phenotypic characterization of ZEBRA LEAF16 encoding a b-Hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase in rice. Jianmin Wan. Frontiers in Plant Science DOI10.3389/fpls.2018.00782 96 Rice Premature Leaf Senescence Encoding a Glycosyltransferase (GT) Is Involved in Leaf Senescence Min Wang,Sheng Luo, Juejie Tan,Yueqin Heng, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo,and Zhijun Cheng*. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00560 560 97 Genetic dissection and simultaneous improvement of drought and low nitrogen tolerances by designed QTL pyramiding in rice Feng B, Cui Y, Wu Z, Zheng T, Xu J, Li Z Frontiers in Plant Science 9 306 98 Simultaneous Improvement and Genetic Dissection of Drought Tolerance Using Selected Breeding Populations of Rice Yanru Cui, Jianlong Xu, Zhikang Li Frontiers in Plant Science 9 320 99 Joint exploration of favorable haplotypes for mineral concentrations in milled grains of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Tian-Qing Zheng, Chun-Chao Wang, Tian-Tian Xu, Jian-Long Xu, Zhi-Kang Li Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00447 100 Genome Editing in Rice: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Future Implications. Mishra R, Joshi RK and Zhao KJ Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01361. 101 Development of molecular markers linked to powdery mildew resistance gene Pm4b by combining SNP discovery from transcriptome sequencing data with bulked segregant analysis (BSR-seq) in wheat Wu Peipei, Hu Jinghuang, Qiu Dan, Zhang Hongjun, Yang Li, Liu Hongwei, Zhou Yang, Li Hongjie Frontiers in Plant Science 9 95 102 Physical Mapping of a Novel Locus Conferring Leaf Rust Resistance on the Long Arm of Agropyron cristatum Chromosome 2P Bo Jiang,Haiming Han, Lihui Li*, Jinpeng Zhang,Xinming Yang, Shenghui Zhou, Xiuquan Li and Weihua Liu* Frontiers in Plant Science 2018doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00817 - - 103 SiSTL2 Is Required for Cell Cycle,Leaf Organ Development,Chloroplast Biogenesis, and Has Effects on C4 Photosynthesis in Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv Shuo Zhang, Sha Tang, Chanjuan Tang, Mingzhao Luo, Guanqing Jia, Hui Zhi and Xianmin Diao Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1103 1 16 104 SiYGL2 Is Involved in the Regulation of Leaf Senescence and Photosystem II Efficiency in Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv Shuo Zhang, Hui Zhi, Wen Li, Jianguo Shan, Chanjuan Tang, Guanqing Jia, Sha Tang and Xianmin Diao Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1308 1 15 105 Screening of Mutants Related to the C4 Photosynthetic Kranz Structure in Foxtail Millet Mingzhao Luo, Shuo Zhang, Chanjuan Tang, Guanqing Jia, Sha Tang, Hui Zhi and Xianmin Diao Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1650 1 10 106 Fine mapping and identification of a novel Phytophthora root rot resistance locus RpsZS18 on chromosome 2 in soybean Chao Zhong, Suli Sun, Canxing Duan,Zhendong Zhu Frontiers in Plant Science 0.405555555555556 - - 107 Genome-Wide Association Studies of Free Amino Acid Levels by Six Multi-Locus Models in Bread Wheat Zhonghu He, Yuanfeng Hao Frontiers in Plant Science 9 1196 108 A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals a Rich Genetic Architecture of Flour Color-Related Traits in Bread Wheat Jindong Liu, Dengan Xu, Weie Wen,Shuanghe Cao, Yuanfeng Hao, Xianchun Xia and Zhonghu He Frontiers in Plant Science 9 1136 109 QTL Mapping of Six Spike and Stem Traits in Hybrid Population of Agropyron Gaertn. in Multiple Environments Xinming Yang, Yuqing Lu,Jinpeng Zhang, Xiuquan Li, Shenghui Zhou, Lihui Li and Weihua Liu Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01422 - - 110 The Wheat Bax Inhibitor-1 Protein Interacts with an Aquaporin TaPIP1 and Enhances Disease Resistance in Arabidopsis Ming Chen, Yong-Bin Zhou, Jun Chen, You-Zhi Ma, and Zhao-Shi Xu*. Frontiers in Plant Science 2018, 9: 20 20 111 Dissecting the genetic basis underlying combining ability of plant height related traits in maize Hao Zhuanfang, Li Mingshun, Zhang Degui, Yong Hongjun, Weng Jianfeng, Li Xinhai Frontiers in Plant Sicence 9(1117) doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.01117 1 13 112 Lime application lowers the global warming potential of a double rice cropping system 江瑜,张卫建 Geoderma 325 1 8 113 Synthesis-dependent repair of Cpf1-induced double-strand DNA breaks enables targeted gene replacement in rice Li SY, Li JY, Zhang JH, Du WM, Fu JD, Sutar S and Xia LQ* Journal of Experiment Botany 2018, 69(20) 4715 4721 114 Jasmonate-Responsive MYB Factors Spatially Repress Rutin Biosynthesis in Fagopyrum Tataricum. Zhang K, Zhou M Journal of Experiment Botany 69(8) 1955 1966 115 Improved folate accumulation in genetically modified maize and wheat Wang K,Riaz B, Ye XG Journal of Experimental Botany Accepted (本月初一接受,预计月底前online发表,如果提交前还没有发上doi请直接删除该论文,明年再填) 116 WSL5, a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, is essential for chloroplast biogenesis in rice under cold stress Xi Liu, Jie Lan, Yunshuai Huang, Penghui Cao, Chunlei Zhou, Yaken Ren, Niqing He, Shijia Liu, Yunlu Tian, Thanhliem Nguyen, Ling Jiang,* and Jianmin Wan*. Journal of Experimental Botany 69 (16) 3949 3961 117 Brassinosteroids mediate susceptibility to brown planthopper by integrating with the salicylic acid and jasmonic acid pathways in rice. Jianmin Wan. Journal of Experimental Botany 69(18) 4433 4442 118 SiSTL1 encoding a large subunit of RNR, is crucial for plant growth, chloroplast biogenesis, and cell cycle progression in Setaria italica Chanjuan Tang, Sha Tang, Shuo Zhang, Mingzhao Luo, Guanqing Jia, Hui Zhi, Xianmin Diao Journal of Experimental Botany https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ery429 - - 119 Big Grain3, encoding a purine permease, regulates grain size via modulating cytokinin transport in rice Hongning Tong Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 10.1111/jipb.12727 120 OsPKpα1 encodes a plastidic pyruvate kinase that affects starch synthesis in rice endosperm. Jianmin Wan. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60(11) 1097 1118 121 GW5-Like, a homolog of GW5, negatively regulates grain width, weight and salt resistance in rice. Peng Tian? , Jiafan Liu? , Cuilan Shi ,Zhichao Zhao, Qibin Lin, Jie Wang, Jiulin Wang, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo, Zhijun Cheng, Shanshan Zhu, Yulong Ren* Cailin Lei*, Haiyang Wang and Jianmin Wan Journal of Integrative Plant Biology doi: 10.1111/jipb.1274 122 Efficient allelic replacement in rice by gene editing: a case study of the NRT1.1B gene Li J, Zhang X, Sun Y, Zhang J, Du W, Guo X, Li S and Xia LQ* Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2018, 60(7) 536 540 123 OsPKpa1 encodes a plastidic pyruvate kinase that affects starch biosynthesis in the rice endosperm Jianmin Wan Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60(11) 1097 1118 124 Soybean hairy roots produced in vitro by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. Chen L#, Cai YP#, Liu XJ, Guo C, Sun S, Wu CX, Jiang BJ, Han TF, Hou WS*. The Crop Journal 2018, 6(2) 162 171 125 Use of genomic selection and breeding simulation in cross prediction for improvement of yield and quality in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 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辽宁中部地区玉米机械粒收质量及其限制因素研究 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 作物杂志 2018,03 162 167 301 辽宁中部适宜机械粒收玉米品种的筛选 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、李璐璐 作物杂志 2018,03 97 102 302 宁夏引/扬黄灌区玉米子粒脱水模型的构建与应用 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 作物杂志 2018,04 149 153 303 去苞叶对玉米子粒脱水过程的影响 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、李璐璐 作物杂志 2018,02 114 117 304 小麦生产概况及其发展 赵广才 常旭虹 王德梅 陶志强 王艳杰 杨玉双 朱英杰 作物杂志 2018, (4) 1 7 305 玉米种子粒重差异对相关发芽指标整齐度的影响 李少昆、谢瑞芝 作物杂志 2018,03 180 184 306 玉米子粒脱水研究与机械粒收对策 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 作物杂志 2018,06 17 21 307 水稻氮素吸收低效型突变体osnad1 的生理和遗传分析 张莉,徐江 作物杂志 3 68 76 308 Identification of transgene insertions in two genetically modified soybeans using high throughput next generation sequencing Shouwei Zhang, Shi Sun, Jing Sun, Xiujie Liu, Wensheng Hou, Tingting Wu, Cunxiang Wu, Tianfu Han, Bingjun Jiang* Oil Crop Science 2018,3(2) 92 98 309 Collection and analysis of stem exudate from soybean seedling Xin Xu, Zhijian Chen, Yanping Qi, Lixin Zhang, Enoch Sapey, Wei Liu, Shi Sun, Wensheng Hou, Tianfu Han* Oil Crop Science 2018,3(3) 157 164 310 玉米苗期耐盐性状的QTL分析. , : 1536-1542(通讯作者) 张宁, 李冬冬, 陈阳松, 任蒙蒙, 王瑞, 张凌霄, 郑军. 核农学报 2018, 32 (8) 1536 1542 311 过表达GmAP1. 2 转基因大豆的遗传转化及植株 发育特性 陈福禄、 傅永福、张晓玫 核农学报 32(5) 833 839 312 基于小麦突变新种质的花药培养力基因初步定位 赵林姝,郭会君,古佳玉,谢永盾,赵世荣,熊宏春,刘录祥 核农学报 32(12) 2305 2312 313 小麦种子老化处理对发芽指标及根系的影响 王玉娇,常旭虹,王德梅,陶志强,赵广才 核农学报 2018,32(12) 2423 2430 314 玉米雄穗发育早期耐旱相关转录因子的发掘 郝转芳,李新海 华北农学报 33(4) 1 8 315 TaDRO,A Gene Associated with Wheat Root Architectures,Its Global Distribution and Evolution in Breeding(小麦TaDRO与根系形态的关联分析及在中国和全球品种中的地里分布于演变) ZHANG Wei Jun,LI Tian,QIN Lin,ZHAO Jing,QIN JunJie,LIU Hong,HOU Jian,HAO ChenYang,CHEN DongSheng,WEI YiQin,JING RuiLian,ZHANG XueYong 中国农业科学 2018,51(10): 316 不同化学试剂和处理方式加倍小麦单倍体植株的效果 尹米琦,王坤杨,王静,王轲,杜丽璞,叶兴国 中国农业科学 51(5) 811 820 317 谷子穗顶端败育突变体sipaa1 的表型分析和基因定位 薛红丽,杨军军,汤沙,智慧,王蕊,贾冠清,刁现民 中国农业科学 51(9) 1627 1640 318 机械粒收推动玉米生产方式转型 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、明博、 中国农业科学 2018,51(10) 1842 1844 319 基因组编辑技术应用于作物遗传改良的进展与挑战, 王福军,赵开军, 中国农业科学 51(1) 1 16 320 基于SSR 标记的黍稷种质资源遗传多样性及亲缘关系研究 刘敏轩陆平 中国农业科学 doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.15.002 321 基于品种熟期和籽粒脱水特性的机收粒玉米适宜播期与收获期分析 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 中国农业科学 2018,51(10) 1890 1898 322 基于染色体片段置换系的野生稻粒长QTL qGL12的精细定位 丁膺宾,张莉珍,许睿,王艳艳,郑晓明,张丽芳,程云连,吴凡,杨庆文,乔卫华 中国农业科学 2018,51(18) 3435 3444 323 六种重要玉米病害病原名称的厘定 王晓鸣 中国农业科学 51(18) 3497 3507 324 荞麦mate的克隆及表达分析 常雪玲,张宗文,高佳 中国农业科学 2018年第11期 2038 2048 325 水稻粉质胚乳fse3 突变体的表型分析及基因定位. 万建民 中国农业科学 5(11) 2023 2037 326 夏玉米籽粒脱水特性及与灌浆特性的关系 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 中国农业科学 2018,51(10) 1878 1889 327 玉米根际土壤中镰孢菌的构成与定量分析 葛波,王宝宝,孙素丽,王晓鸣,朱振东,段灿星 中国农业科学 51(19) 3683 3693 328 玉米品种穗部性状差异及其对籽粒脱水的影响 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、李璐璐 中国农业科学 2018,51(10) 1855 1867 329 玉米生长后期倒伏研究进展 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、薛军 中国农业科学 2018,51(10) 1845 1854 330 玉米穗轴机械强度及其对机械粒收籽粒破碎率的影响 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、薛军、李璐璐 中国农业科学 2018,51(10) 1868 1877 331 过表达谷子 SiANT1 对水稻耐盐性的影响 葛林豪,齐欣,姜奇彦,孙现军,陈明 中国农业科学 51(10) 1830 1841 332 大豆GmbZIP16基因的抗旱功能验证及分析 陈明,周永斌,马有志,徐兆师 中国农业科学 51(15) 2835 2845 333 小麦转录因子基因 TaWRKY33 的耐盐性分析 张惠媛,刘永伟,陈隽,陈明,周永斌 ,马有志,徐兆师,付金东 中国农业科学 51(24) 334 转 AtTGA4 小麦田间耐低磷胁迫的功能分析 周永斌,王春霄,徐兆师,马有志,陈明 中国农业科学 51(12) 2225 22234 335 基于GIS的小麦籽粒品质空间分布特征和影响因子分析 孙丽娟,胡学旭,陆伟,王步军 中国农业科学 2018,51(5) 999 1011 336 利用重要农艺性状功能标记揭示新疆小麦改良品种和地方品种遗传变异 周阳,刘宏伟,杨丽,张宏军,李洪杰 作物学报 657 671 337 一个新的玉米Vp15基因等位突变体的遗传分析与分子鉴定. 王瑞,陈阳松,杜依聪,王国英,郑军. 作物学报 2018, 44(03) 369 375 338 Fhb1基因功能标记选择提高黄淮冬麦区小麦品种对赤霉病的抗性 张宏军, 李腾 , 刘宏伟, 杨丽, 李洪杰*, 周阳* 作物学报 505 511 339 北方冬麦区新育成优质品种的面包和馒头品质性状 赵德辉,张勇,王德森,陈新民,肖永贵,张艳,何中虎 作物学报 44(5) 697 705 340 表油菜素内酯影响水稻幼苗响应低温胁迫的蛋白质组学分析. 徐江,牟永莹,闫文秀,赵梦洁,张丽娜,潘映红* 作物学报 897 908 341 春季低温对小麦产量和光合特性的影响 闫长生,张秀英,孙果忠,肖世和 作物学报 第44卷 第2期 Vol.44 No.2 288 296 342 倒伏对玉米机械粒收田间损失和收获效率的影响 薛军,李璐璐,张万旭,谢瑞芝,王克如,明博,侯鹏,李少昆 作物学报 2018,44(12) 1785 1792 343 黄淮海夏玉米品种脱水类型与机械粒收时间的确立 李璐璐, 明博, 谢瑞芝, 王克如, 侯鹏, 李少昆 作物学报 2018,44(12) 1764 1773 344 黄淮海夏玉米籽粒脱水与气象因子的关系 高尚,明博,李璐璐,谢瑞芝,薛军,侯鹏,王克如,李少昆 作物学报 2018,44(12) 1755 1765 345 黄淮麦区小麦主栽品种粒重与籽粒灌浆特性的关系 苗永杰,赵德辉,田宇兵,夏先春,张勇,何中虎 作物学报 44(2) 260? 267 346 聚天门冬氨酸螯合氮肥减量一次性基施对东北春玉米的增效机理研究 唐会会、许艳丽、王庆燕、马正波、董志强 作物学报 已接收 已接收 已接收 347 藜麦活性成分研究进展 秦培友、任贵兴 作物学报 44(11) 1579 1591 348 利用WGCNA进行玉米花期基因共表达模块鉴定 杨宇昕,桑志勤,许诚,代文双,邹枨 作物学报 DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.83053 349 普通菜豆种质资源不同环境下表型差异及生态适应性评价 王兰芬,武晶,王述民 作物学报 44(3) 357? 368 350 普通野生稻种子休眠性QTL 的定位. 万建民 作物学报 44(1) 15 23 351 全基因组关联定位籼稻种质资源外观和加工品质QTL 徐建龙 作物学报 44(1) 32 42 352 水稻窄叶突变体nal20的表型分析与基因定位 房静静, 赵金凤, 李学勇 作物学报 44(9) 1301 1310 353 穗分化期外施24-表油菜素内酯(EBR)促进水稻源、库及籽粒灌浆的生理机制 李赞堂、王士银、徐江 作物学报 2018,44(4) 581 590 354 我国部分主推小麦品种组织培养再生能力评价 张伟,尹米琦,赵佩,王轲,杜丽璞,叶兴国 作物学报 44(2) 208 217 355 夏玉米籽粒含水率对机械粒收质量的影响 李璐璐, 明博, 高尚, 谢瑞芝, 侯鹏, 王克如, 李少昆 作物学报 2018,44(12) 1747 1754 356 小麦类受体蛋白激酶基因TaPK3A的克隆与抗纹枯病功能初步分析 苏强,张增艳 作物学报 已接收 357 以抗除草剂Bar 基因稳定转化谷子技术研究 陈倩楠,王 轲,汤 沙,杜丽璞,智 慧,贾冠清,叶兴国,刁现民 作物学报 44(10) 1423 1432 358 玉米生理成熟后倒伏变化及其影响因素 薛军,李璐璐,张万旭,谢瑞芝,王克如,明博,侯鹏,李少昆 作物学报 2018,44(12) 1774 1784 359 玉米种质资源抗腐霉茎腐病鉴定 杨洋;孙素丽;王晓鸣;朱振东;段灿星 作物学报 44(8) 1256 1260 360 中国小麦品种抗赤霉病基因Fhb1的鉴定与溯源 朱展望,徐登安,程顺和,高春保,夏先春,郝元峰,何中虎 作物学报 44(5) 473 482 361 专题导读:加强籽粒脱水与植株倒伏特性研究、推动玉米机械粒收技术应用 李少昆;谢瑞芝;王克如;明博;侯鹏; 作物学报 2018,44(12) 1743 1746 362 不同地理来源MGⅢ组大豆品种生育期结构分析及E基因型鉴定 江红, 孙石, 宋雯雯, 吴存祥, 武婷婷, 韩天富 作物学报 44(10) 1458 1468 363 小麦种质资源抗旱性鉴定评价 李 龙,毛新国,王景一, 昌小平,景蕊莲? 作物学报 2018, 44(7): 988 999 364 大豆7S球蛋白α’亚基缺失新种质中黄608的分子鉴定 任玉龙,邱丽娟 作物学报 45(1) 18 25 365 大豆引进种质抗胞囊线虫病、抗花叶病毒病和耐盐基因型鉴定及优异等位基因聚合种质筛选 刘章雄, 郭勇,李英慧,关荣霞,邱丽娟 作物学报 44(9) 1263 1273 366 抗大豆胞囊线虫病SCN3-11位点的KASP标记开发和利用 李英慧,邱丽娟 作物学报 44(11) 1600 1611 367 群体构成方式对大豆百粒重全基因组选择预测准确度的影响 邱丽娟 作物学报 44(1) 43 52 368 应用SNP精准鉴定大豆种质及构建可扫描身份证 李慧慧, 邱丽娟 作物学报 44(3) 315 323 369 东乡野生稻与日本晴多态性标记的开发 马小定,唐江红,张佳妮, 崔迪,李慧,黎毛毛,韩龙植 作物学报 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82037 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82037 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82037 370 大豆GmFTL3 和GmFTL5 启动子组织特异性表达分析 陈福禄、 傅永福、张晓玫 中国油料作物学报 40(4) 492 500 371 鸟苷酸激酶OsGK1对水稻种子发育至关重要 万建民 中国水稻科学 32(5) 415 426 372 水稻粒型基因克隆和调控机制研究进展 程治军,万建民. 中国水稻科学 32(1) 1 11 373 燕麦花生间作系统作物氮素累积与转移规律 冯晓敏,宋振伟,张卫建 植物营养与肥料学报 24(3) 617 624 374 地膜覆盖对小麦土壤水热状况及灌浆特性的影响 赵凯男,常旭虹,王德梅,陶志强,赵广才 麦类作物学报 2018,38(10) 1237 1245 375 北方冬麦区小麦品种产量相关性状和幼穗分化特点研究 李洪杰,刘宏伟,杨丽,周阳,张宏军 麦类作物学报 773 781 376 大麦转录因子HvNAC1克隆及功能初探 阚金红,杨平 麦类作物学报 接收 377 麦类作物花药离体培养特性遗传控制研究进展 赵林姝,刘录祥 麦类作物学报 38(12) 378 小麦花药液体漂浮离体培养体系的建立与应用 赵林姝,何子伟,古佳玉,谢永盾,郭会君,赵世荣,李军辉,熊宏春,丁玉萍,刘录祥 麦类作物学报 38(1) 22 27 379 水稻RZ54/南京11 F2群体抽穗期QTL分析. 万建民 南京农业大学学报 41(5) 801 807 380 水稻胚乳粉质突变体flo9的表型分析和基因定位. 万建民 南京农业大学学报 41(4) 616 624 381 水稻晚开花突变体lft1的鉴定与基因克隆 万建民 南京农业大学学报 41(1) 38 48 382 水稻心白突变体whc的理化性质和基因定位. 万建民 南京农业大学学报 41(2) 231 236 383 影响水稻雌雄配子发育的基因图位克隆 万建民 南京农业大学学报 41(6) 983 993 384 滴灌量对高产春玉米冠层结构特征及产量的影响 李少昆、王克如 西北农业学报 2018,27(08) 1137 1145 385 作物组学数据库的比较和应用 郝转芳 遗传 407(7) 534 545 386 拔节期淹水对不同株高夏玉米产量、形态特征及物质生产的影响 李从锋,陶志强,赵明 玉米科学 387 宁夏宜机收玉米品种的初步筛选 李少昆 玉米科学 已接收 388 北京春玉米机械粒收质量影响因素研究及品种筛选 李少昆,王克如,明博,高尚,谢瑞芝,侯鹏 玉米科学 2018,26(06) 110 115 389 黑龙江第1-3积温带玉米机械粒收现状及品种特性分析 李少昆 玉米科学 已接收 390 基因编辑技术的研究及在玉米中的应用 张德贵,翁建峰,郝转芳,李明顺 玉米科学 26(1) 45 49 391 吉林玉米机械粒收质量影响因素研究及品种筛选 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 玉米科学 2018,26(04) 55 62 392 江苏沿海地区夏玉米机械粒收质量与品种筛选研究 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 玉米科学 2018,26(05) 110 116 393 利用研磨法测试玉米子粒耐破碎性的初步研究 王克如,谢瑞芝,明博,,李少昆 玉米科学 2018,26(06) 116 121 394 内蒙古玉米机械粒收质量及其影响因素研究 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 玉米科学 2018,26(04) 68 78 395 山东玉米机械粒收技术现状与问题 明博,李璐璐,高尚,王克如,李少昆 玉米科学 2018,26(06) 126 130 396 山西省春玉米机械粒收品种筛选与大田示范 李少昆 玉米科学 2018,26(05) 117 122 397 山西玉米子粒含水率与机械粒收收获质量的关系分析 李少昆、王克如 玉米科学 2018,26(04) 63 67 398 陕西春玉米子粒含水率与机械粒收质量的关系分析 王克如,李少昆 玉米科学 2018,26(06) 122 125 399 皖北地区玉米机械粒收质量及影响因素研究 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、李璐璐 玉米科学 2018,26(05) 123 129 400 引进美国玉米自交系在我国的耐旱适应性分析 李明顺,郝转芳 玉米科学 26(5) 1 6 401 玉米机械收获子粒破碎率与含水率关系的品种间差异 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 玉米科学 2018,26(04) 74 78 402 玉米耐旱遗传育种研究及分子育种策略 郝转芳 玉米科学 26(3) 1 5 403 玉米转基因技术研发与应用现状及展望 黎裕,王天宇 玉米科学 26(2) 1 15 404 玉米子粒含水率测定方法的比较 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、高尚、李璐璐、白氏杰 玉米科学 2018,26(04) 85 90 405 玉米子粒耐破碎性及其评价与测试方法 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、 玉米科学 2018,26(04) 79 84 406 CRISPR/Cas9基因组定点编辑中脱靶现象的研究进展 邱丽娟 植物学报 53(4) 528 541 407 有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类农药在小麦及其制品中降解与代谢规律研究进展 于利莉,王步军 麦类作物学报 2018, 7 871 877 408 玉米种子萌发初期可溶性糖代谢途径的调控研究 薛梅真,李瑞芳,辛霞,张金梅,何娟娟,陈晓玲,营, 卢新雄 玉米科学 4 91 98

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